4 research outputs found


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    AbstractThe research was conducted using case study methods (case study). This study aims to determine how to influence the level of capital, labor, experience, education and age of farmers' income levels and how the feasibility of areca nut farm. Research hypotheses are tested using multiple linear regression and the method of R / C ratio (Revenue / Cost). From the research results obtained by the R-square 0.98 identifies that it is simultaneously (synchronously) no significant effect between capital, labor, experience, education and age of the areca farmers' income by 98% the rest influenced by other variables not examined. From the test results are obtained stasistik multiple R-square value of 0.99% means that overall there is a strong influence between capital, labor, experience, education and age of areca farmers' income levels, it is supported by the calculated F-value F-table at the 95% confidence level (a 0.05) thereby H0 refused and H1 accepted. No effect of partial capital, experience and age on the level of areca farmers' income in this case is supported by the value t count t-table, while the labor and education had no effect on the income level of farmers nut on a 95% confidence level. The results of the calculation, the nut farm viability obtained was R / C ratio of 1.82. This means that the nut farm is now worth the effort or can provide benefits.Keywords: sosial-economy, farmers' income, farme

    Prediksi Nilai Tukar Rupiah Terhadap US Dollar Menggunakan Metode Genetic Programming

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    AbstrakNilai tukar mata uang mempunyai pengaruh yang sangat luas dalam perekonomian suatu negara, baik dalam negeri ataupun internasional. Pentingnya mengetahui pola nilai tukar IDR terhadap USD bisa membantu pertumbuhan ekonomi dikarenakan perdagangan luar negeri menggunakan mata uang negara yang berbeda. Maka dari itu, diperlukan suatu aplikasi yang dapat memprediksi nilai tukar Rupiah terhadap US Dollar di masa yang akan datang. Pada penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode genetic programming(GP), yang dapat menghasilkan solusi (chromosome) optimum, yang didapat dari evaluasi nilai tukar yang lalu, sehingga solusi ini digunakan sebagai pendekatan atau prediksi terhadap kurs nilai tukar mata uang Rupiah di masa yang akan datang. Solusi ini dibentuk dari kombinasi dari himpunan terminal (set of terminals) dan himpunan fungsi (set of function) yang dibangkitkan secara random. Setelah dilakukan pengujian dengan jumlah popsize dan iterasi yang berbeda, didapatkan bahwa Algoritma GP dapat melakukan prediksi nilai tukar Rupiah terhadap mata uang US Dollar dengan sangat baik, dilihat dari nilai Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) yang dihasilkan sebesar 0,08%. Penelitian ini bisa dikembangkan lebih baik dengan menambahkan parameter terminal dan parameter operasi sehingga bisa menambah variasi hasil perhitungannya.Kata kunci: prediksi, nilai tukar mata uang, genetic programming, MAPE.  AbstractExchange currency rate has a wide influence in the economy of a country, both domestically or internationally. The importance of knowing the pattern of exchange rate against the IDR to USD could help the economic growth due to foreign trade involves the use of currencies of different countries. Therefore, we need an application that can predict the value of IDR against the USD in the future. In this research, the authors use genetic programming (GP) method which produces solutions (chromosome) that obtained from the evaluation of exchange rate and then this solution used as an approximation or prediction of currency exchange rate in the future. These solutions formed from the combination of the set terminal and the set of function that generated randomly. After testing by the number popsize and different iterations, it was found that the GP algorithm can predict the value of the rupiah against the US Dollar with a very good, judging from the value of Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) generated by 0.08%. This research can be developed even better by adding terminal parameters and operating parameters so they can add variation calculation results.Keywords:  prediction, exchange currency rate, genetic programming, MAPE

    Post-covid-19 pandemic awareness on the use of micro-and nano plastic and efforts into their degradation-a mini review

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    Micro-and nano plastic pollution poses a global threat and causes a future problem, and needs greater global attention. Its pollution is exacerbated recently by the exces-sive use of plastic polymers to prevent and handle the COVID-19 pandemic at a global scale. This review covered the major concerns about the characteristics, effect, and bioremediation of micro-and nano plastics. Many aquatic organisms easily ingest mi-cro-and nano plastic at different trophic levels. This ingestion caused negative health impacts to all living organisms. Microplastic directly affects living organisms like mechanical injury, false satiation, declined growth, promoted immune response, and energy loss. Other debilitating effects include disrupted enzyme activity and produc-tion, decreased fecundity, oxidative stress, and mortality. Nano plastic could enter the circulatory system and caused negative effects on the cellular and molecular levels. Bioremediation of microplastic by selected higher and lower eukaryotes, bacteria, fun-gus, and algae on several polymers was previously reported. However, not much lit-erature is available on nano plastic biodegradation. Therefore, the current review will focus on the characteristics, effect, and bioremediation effort of micro-and nano plas-tic

    Post-covid-19 pandemic awareness on the use of micro- and nano plastic and efforts into their degradation - a mini review

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    Micro- and nano plastic pollution poses a global threat and causes a future problem, and needs greater global attention. Its pollution is exacerbated recently by the excessive use of plastic polymers to prevent and handle the COVID-19 pandemic at a global scale. This review covered the major concerns about the characteristics, effect, and bioremediation of micro-and nano plastics. Many aquatic organisms easily ingest micro- and nano plastic at different trophic levels. This ingestion caused negative health impacts to all living organisms. Microplastic directly affects living organisms like mechanical injury, false satiation, declined growth, promoted immune response, and energy loss. Other debilitating effects include disrupted enzyme activity and production, decreased fecundity, oxidative stress, and mortality. Nano plastic could enter the circulatory system and caused negative effects on the cellular and molecular levels. Bioremediation of microplastic by selected higher and lower eukaryotes, bacteria, fun-gus, and algae on several polymers was previously reported. However, not much literature is available on nano plastic biodegradation. Therefore, the current review will focus on the characteristics, effect, and bioremediation effort of micro- and nano plastic